Kanodar Momin Juni Jamat

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        • In this initiative, the initiative of the family of the society in the www.kmjj.in website is started online Juni Jamat Family Directory by the Kanodar Momin Juni Jamat, by use of online directory a person and the zamat to get a quick details of all the padhadi jumat family member. For all members of the Kanodar Juni Jamaat, fill in the details of their family member by first Registration of Family Head and after head person login add other family member details in online directory.
          Special Note before filing a family head & member details in the online directory:
          •    Fill up your Family head & member details as per Adhar Card Or Passport.
          •    (* Filling the details of family head and member in English)
          •    Filling the details of only present family head and member.

          Step 1: Click on the ONLINE FAMILY HEAD REGISTRATION button below, if you haven’t registered as a Family Head,      
          You have already register your Family Head then you can click on the FAMILY HEAD LOGIN button.
          Step 2: Click on the ONLINE FAMILY HEAD REGISTRATION button open Family Head Registration Form.
          After fill up details some verification process complete:            
                   1) If you selected India in resident filed, then send OTP NO in your register mobile no.
                    2) If you selected NRI in resident filed, then send OTP NO in your register email.
        • Submit your OTP No after completed verification process for family head member registration, late to late 24 hours before admin active your registration.
        • You are receive email or SMS for ACTIVATION after you will login to Family Head Login and fill up remain family member details in your login account.
          Example for Family Head Registration
        • Suppose that Jairabhai Hassanbhai Polara gives details of his family, then his parents live with him. Jaiharbhai Hassanbhai will be the family head of the registration as his father Hassanbhai and then submit the details of his family.
        • As brother of jahir bhai,Shanwaj Hasan Polara family head registration fill up with as own head of person for shanwaj family. So shanwaj register family head details and after fill up  remain shanwaj family details.
          Secondly, when a daughter or son is not married to your family, do not register them as family heads, put their details in their father's head.
        • Regarding registration of family head, father is not present in family this time register family head as present the mother in your family.
        • Regarding registration of family head, father and mother both not present in your family in this time family most senior present person register in family head.
        • If you have trouble filling in the form, you should contact us at our +91 9925012744 and Email.kanodarmominjunijamat@gmail.com .
          KMJJ TEAM thankful to you and your family for support and co-operation this initiative.
